Cat Behavior

a cat panting whilst walking outdoors

Why Do Cats Pant?

Why do cats pant? Usually, because they have either undergone vigorous exercise, are overhot, stressed, in pain, poisoned or they have an underlying medical issue. By and large, cats rarely pant, and when they do, it’s usually not a good sign. If your cat is panting because of exercise, they […]

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young woman carrying a contented tabby cat over her shoulder

Do Cats Forget Their Owners?

Animals and their memory are one of the most studied subjects in animal science, and we learn new things about how animals remember things every day.  Cat owners look at their cats every day and come up with new questions about what might be going on in their feline’s brain

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a tabby cat crouching licking their nose with a long tongue

Why Do Cats Like Bleach?

You finish your morning chores and end it with cleaning the kitchen floor. With the pandemic still an issue across the world, you decide to add a little bleach to your normal floor cleaner; it couldn’t hurt, right? After finishing up with your germ-killing duties, you notice your orange tabby

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a person touching the main pad of a tabby cats paw unsheathing claws

Why Do Cats Bite Their Nails?

Why do cats bite their nails? Is it normal for cats to bite their nails? Broadly speaking it is down to one of three reasons: normal behavior, behavioral issues, and medical-related issues. Let’s take a look in greater depth: Are you watching your cat bite her nails? She’s chilling on

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close up portrait of a tabby maine coon with ruff and long whiskers

Why Won’t My Cat Shut Up?

Do you have a vocal cat? Some cats “speak” more than others, using various meows, cries, and even clicks. If you’re wondering, “why won’t my cat shut up?” chances are it’s a breed that likes to communicate with you. This post looks at the different cat breeds and which are

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a white and tabby cat loafing

Why Is My Cat Loafing?

Does your cat loaf? Is your cat loafing at every opportunity? Do you know what loafing is and why your cat does it? We check out this phenomenon, and identify what it is, where it goes down, and why it most likely happens! Read on to get to the bottom

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young woman carrying a contented tabby cat over her shoulder

Why Is My Cat So Clingy?

Are you wondering ” why is my cat so clingy?” Cats are stereotyped as being aloof creatures that need no-one and only use us humans whilst they feel it profits them. Of course, cat lovers know this stereotype only paints a shallow picture of the lives and motivations of our

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